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MpowerNext Workout - NEXT level vitality! | Mom In Balance
Mom In Balance


MpowerNext is an active workout program developed for women from the age of 40. Targeted exercises will help you develop a strong body. You also lend your body a hand in preparing for the menopausal period by regulating the hormonal balance. MpowerNext is a mix of strength training, cardio and flexibility exercises and focuses on the changing workout needs. Challenge yourself at your own level in the company of other inspiring women going through the same stage in life.

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Be the best you!

Despite the changes in their hormonal balance, many women in this stage of life feel stronger than ever. All it takes is a different workout routine: use it or lose it! Our expert trainers know exactly what your body needs.


By performing the targeted workout program while expertly supervised, we help you bring out the best of yourself. It also means that we enjoy challenging ourselves. And we promise that, after the workout, you go home feeling amazing.

Thanks to our MpowerNext workouts:

  • You feel strong & full of energy

  • You will help your body regulate your hormonal balance

  • You can prevent injuries

  • You will learn to understand your body and bring out the best of yourself!

Be sure of a workout routine that works

Is there really a workout routine that works for everyone? Absolutely! Research shows that you need a year, on average, to build up a workout routine that works for you. The longer you manage to stick to your exercise schedule, the easier it becomes to keep it up, the stronger you become, and the more you enjoy exercising.

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There is a suitable subscription for everyone. Look at our different subscriptions and rates here.

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