Did you know that...
BUILDING A ROUTINE takes time? 66 days on average but it can take up to 255 days. So don't give up after one week!
BUILDING A ROUTINE together with a friend/ colleague / neighbour makes it easier? especially for women because if we commit ourselves to others we tend to stay committed....
it helps to tell the world about your new ROUTINE? Putting it down in the family planner, tell your friends and most important ask your partner for his/ her support: it will make a big difference
it helps to involve your kids (if they are a bit older)? Cook with them, do sports with them, tell them what your NEW ROUTINE is about. They will love it and your are setting a great example at the same time!
It is not always easy, but you deserve it! Be gentle for yourself, There is always a tomorrow , a new day to start again.